WIKI: International XR document index

This is a copy from the document index in the global cloud.

Let’s make this a growing list of XR documents (in english and in any other languages) all in one place, so that those that can’t find them elsewhere can come to this one thread.

You can modify this post by clicking on the Edit Button to add your documents.

Zero CO2 (and zero surveillance) XR documents, now on our cloud!

As of 27/03/19 all Google documents that are linked below have been downloaded as PDFs and uploaded here. All can be also downloaded in one ZIP file, by clicking Download all files.

Note, this folder will will grow to have horizontal representations of documents from any branches that submit some.



  • [Guide for organising actions]



United Kingdom

[Google Docs]

Kansainvälinen tiimi päivittää tämän julkaisun niin pian kuin mahdollista!
This post will be updated as soon as possible by the international team!

1 tykkäys